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I'm interested in finishing this midterm and getting a good grade, all while staring at the Doom Clock of Death. Generally, however, the outlook isn't good.... oh, and I keep track of time really well (I have about seven clocks in my room, seriously) and tend to throw ones I can't use any more on top of my bookshelf until I can, uh, use them again. Yep.

I also like listening to videogame music. Shock of the Death God - Major Boss Battle is particularly fitting, consiering considering I'm down to less than 25 minutes to finalize and upload this assignment.

This page contains no novels either. That image is already taking up nearly 15kB, and I still have to add buttons and a silly rollover... so I'm going to have to cut this sentence shor

Okay, bad joke. But really, 30,000 bytes isn't a whole lot of space to work with unless you want tiny 100x100 thumbnails on every page, and I want big images with nice designs, so I'm cutting corners left and right to fit this in.


But thanks to the Page Size Meter™, I can thankfully keep a grasp on how much space I have left, so I can still put in silly images like the clock at the top of the screen, counting down to the final due-date of October 22, 23:59. It's the final countdown and I'm nearly done now, so one last image here and there and I can proclaim this midterm finished!

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