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I am the homepage. This is the content.

Or, not. I am actually 18. Born 04/05/1988. I've been doing web design for more than five years, not all of it well. I've done PHP programming for about three years, and am fairly experienced with it, but by no means an expert.

I run my own personal webserver. Two of them, actually, on seperate computers and they each serve as a sort of perosnal personal storage system on the internet.


I work with pixel graphics often enough and work with them fairly repeatedly. The buttons on this site were all created by me.

The first line on this page was actually the original text on the page before it was formed into seperate pages and prepared for the final assignment area. Interstingly, all pages use the same basic header, and use a small PHP script to customize it (read: replace the title/header with different text). It saves server space and allows me to keep the design the same on all pages without having to update each and every one every time. Woo.

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