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obligatory photo

I am internet man. Welcome to my crappy CIT-151 page where I waste bandwidth. I provide false information regarding my whereabouts on this page and introduce you to my junky site here. There's really nothing to see, so move along and view the other boring pages.

The various typograpxial errors crossed-out struck-through parts of the site have been left in mostly as jokes. I know they're errors, I know they can be removed, I just left them in because it's funny.

My phone number is 518-5741 and my address is 717 Federal St., Henderson, NV, 89015. Except it isn't. I desire my own privacy and posting my real address and telephone number on the internet, of all places, is a horribly dumb idea. I feel sorry for everyone who ends up doing it.


I also have a stuffed turtle (left). I call him Spot for no reason at all. He just sits and takes up space, but he does it well. Occasionally my dog likes to take it and drag it around the house, so lately I've had to place it higher so it can't get to it.

This assingment was successfully completed; meeting the 1 new image per page, 10 total images requirement, no page being over 30,000 bytes, all pages valid requirements. The time of completion was 23:46:00, October 22nd, 2006, with less than ten minutes to go before the "end of weekend" deadline.

I rule.

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